Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To Beard or Not to Beard?

Inspired by my brother's grizzly beard and curiosity to see how much gray is in mine, I took the long-weekend growth from Thanksgiving and started a winter beard. The problem is that I keep reading in our child development books that Noli will probably develop stranger anxiety sometime soon. This begs two questions: Will she be scared of me once the beard comes in? Will I ever be able to shave the beard once spring rolls around?


Owner said...


Anonymous said...

Ooh, my dad did that to me! He had a beard when I was little and then one day, without telling anyone, he shave the whole thing off. I've never recovered!

Mike Mylenbusch said...

I've done the beard-on/beard-off almost every year since we've had kids. I didn't notice issues with our boys at any age. I think even young babies recognize their parents in more ways than just sight.

Unknown said...

I want pictures!
Aunt E