Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Noli's First Parade

We went to the pride parade last weekend and Noli was totally captivated by the noise and colors.

Monday, September 21, 2009

iPod exchange club

I heard a great idea on NPR this afternoon: an iPod exchange club. What a great way to get to know your friends.

"I used Laura's iPod for a week and had a voyeur's trip through her life. Her music made so strong an impression, I started dreaming what had to be her dreams, because I found myself in places totally strange to me."

Some provisional ground rules...

- Trade for a week
- No prepping the iPod: what's on there stays
- Shuffle by song

Anybody want to trade?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

OC's Bday ParTAY

Owen Charlie was born to his mother 2 days after her birthday. So this year they had a dual birthday party outside at a place in Carrboro

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

BBQ Blowout

We had our end of summer BBQ to mark the ending of our veggie diet. We had friends, food and spirits in abundance. Here are some pics. Oh and we will continue the veggie thing...but not as strict.