Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Donkeys and more

Noli had a big weekend of fun excitment. We went to my friend (and coworker) house. Her husband raises miniature donkeys. They were a hit with all the kids. Noli liked them, but per usual had second thoughts when they got too close. Eventually she reluctantly posed for a picture with the calmest one, chocolate (she was the only brown one, the rest were red)..

We let her help making cornbread which she thought was pretty cool.
She also figured out that my step ladder makes a really great little desk for her. She likes to sit there and color or eat raisins.

We all went to the neighborhood block party. Noli fell down (like a billion times) and ended up with a fat lip. It sort of looks like she had a collagen injection gone wrong.

Random photos: Justin and Noli sharing their daily morning banana

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For B$ on his birthday

This post goes out to B$.

I ran my first official 5K last weekend, a charity run for autism in downtown Raleigh. Heather ran with me, the first time we have ever run together. And since it was my first race, I posted a personal best! 26:12 (8:26/mi average). I'm happy and will shoot for 25 next time, whenever that is.

The Sound Opinions guys did a career breakdown of U2 a few weeks ago. They identified 4 stages: Boy-War, Unforgettable Fire-Rattle and Hum, Achtung Baby-Pop, and All That You Can't Leave Behind-No Line on the Horizon. Guess what? Greg actually said Pop was his favorite album! You're not alone Brett.

Finally, a sad farewell to Saturn. Maybe if Brett hangs on to his long enough it will be a collectors' item.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

punkin knot

Justin was sure that we had a picture of me with Noli's new hairdo and lo and behold he was right! I'm the little person poking out between my parents. Mel is in the front row far right (with my cousins teri and barb next to her).

87 and going strong!

We were so lucky to get to spend the weekend at Aunt Eileen & Uncle Sandy's to celebrate Grandma's 87 birthday! Noli got to meet her great grandmother (and get her ears pulled like all little Goodwins). We went to see Tom play the bag pipes and the other Brooks Men play the percussion. They marched over the town that grandma when went to college. She told me a story about one of the buildings downtown that would throw out turkey birds for who ever wanted them! Carl showed off his
curly locks and I couldn't be left out of that one. Oh and Mary Clayton, Aunt Eileen and I made mozzarella....and people ate it; talk about a trusting family!

Also there are a couple of pictures of Noli. That furrowed eye brows look is really common now. She is irritated or upset, just thinking, I think. Also there is a picture sporting her new hair style-- a punkin knot I think Dad used to call them.