Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Week in Noli

Two big milestones this week.

On Thursday she started saying her first consonants. Of course I was thrilled when they turned out to be da da da. I win! She's been practicing them constantly for the last 4 days.

On Saturday we went in after her nap and she was up on her hands and knees. Maybe she was practicing in her crib all this time, but it was the first we had seen. Mon said she did it two more times during her morning play time today.

The other funny, not so funny thing that happened this week was that the daycare workers sent home a note to us pleading for help with Noli. Apparently she fusses all day and they are at their wits end. The problem is that she doesn't sleep well there and gets overtired. But we immediately became "those" parents: that can't be my child, she's always perfect at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is funny because my friend's son just started saying a few recognizable things as well. One of which is Papa. But, anything is Papa. Anything good or desirable is Papa - juice, mom, whatever.