Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Privledged Few

I have gotten used to a few entitlements that are going to be hard to give up. You see, the larger I get the more sympathy the general public has about my "condition." I have decided not to be ashamed that I use this mercilessly now for certain things. My favorite use of the pregnant belly is trying to cross a parking lot/street. I do this little lean back and rub my rotund tummy and cars will actually slam on their breaks to let me cross. I have tested this theory over and over. Last week I came up to a group waiting for a break in traffic, I arrived, did my maneuver and instantly traffic gave way. People are just so kind when you are pregnant. I've been offered the next place in line and a chair more times than I can count. Generally, I do a nice little "Oh no really I'm fine" which endears people more and they just insist I go first.

Sadly I figured out how often the deference comes into play this weekend when I went to AT&T for a cell phone problem. I had to wait for about 45 minutes which felt really weird. Two factors did play a part, 1) people were really impatient to get their cell phone issue taken care of and 2) there was another pregnant woman there. We don't seem special when we are gathered into a group.

I did get offered one of the only 2 seats in the place. Guess who sat in the other one...


Unknown said...

When you're pregnant everyone likes you. They look at you like they can actually see the halo hovering over your head. It's wonderful.

Raylea said...

Hey Monika...congrats on the baby! This post made me laugh...I've done the same thing. Be sure to notice the change once you have the baby and are struggling with the carrier, the diaper bag, and other accessories. The doors aren't opened nearly as much! Maybe a little more at the beginning...but after a few months and definately after there's a squirly older sibling in tow...the mentality changes to "she's a mom, she can do it all, I don't need to hold the door"! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Good post.