Monday, May 5, 2008

Nature or Nurture? Part 1

As far as we know, Noli is quite an active person. She seems to move all the time. Of course, we don't know how much normal fetuses move. But some have already joked that Noli will take after her mom and be a do-er.

That begs the question, is Noli's personality already set by her genes or will Noli develop a personality as she interacts with us and her world? Don't take the easy answer of "both." Sure that's the right answer, but which do you think has more influence--nature or nurture?

I lean toward nurture. I think the raw materials of personality are there early on, but those raw materials can be used in an almost infinite number of ways depending on the environment.

What do you think?


Mike Mylenbusch said...

Nurture has something to so with it. But after observing my three boys at a young age, their individual personalities were apparent before "nuture" had its impact. So I would put more weight on nature.

jsw said...

Whether it was genes or being in an environment with my mom... I turned out just like her.

For better or for worse. :)

The Welde Madhouse said...

I was always more of a "nuture" believer....until I had kids. My three have all held true to their core personalities apparent at birth, for better and worse;) It has been amazing to watch certain tendencies take on different phases in the children. While I know I am playing a vital role in nurturing them into being good little human beings, I have to approach each one a bit differently. Hopefully, it is the nurturing that can help sort out how best to use their nature. Great topic! Love your blog!

The Welde Madhouse said...

Ps.....Hi Jill! Love your picture and love that you are like your mom. Send me your email and I'll invite you to my blog. I'd love to catch up with you.

Monika said...

Every mother I have asked so far has said that all their kids had a basic personality structure early. I am thinking nature is most of the answer, but I want to believe in nurture.