Saturday, September 29, 2007

Once I would have worked my butt off

This morning I woke up and walked to my neighbor hood plant store and rented a tiller and walked it home; the walking it home was a silly idea I'll admit, but that isn't what this is about. I tilled the space between the sidewalk and the street (does this space have a name, I just don't know). It was heavy work and I didn't realize how I could and had to bend that tiller to my will until my neighbor wanted a turn on the machine (very Tom Sawyer of me) and was over come by it. It was 5 hours, I helped my neighbors with a little tilling; turns out renting one of these is like a virus. Then I glazed a mixed of pecans & walnuts for pear & spinach salad I'm taking to a dinner party tonight.

Now I sit on my porch enjoying the breeze and the wafting sounds of Lone Palm (yes well one day I'll write a blog about things I'm embarrassed about but that isn't today). This is a big deal for me. Now I sit. I sit down and soak in the being of the day and stopped the doing. I am gazing on my accomplishment and not placing plants into or scheme the next task or hang curtains or knit a hat for my friends' friend I know who is going thru chemo. Yeah, no I'm just sitting. My counselor brought it up that it might be good for me to have a little be-ing in my life. So like a good do-er I called all my good "be-er" people and asked how exactly to accomplish it and got nowhere. My dear cousin said it was just natural to him. One said, "is there some other way to be?" The be-ers are trying to keep this from the do-ers. Force of will didn't really work. Slowly, slowly I killed the monkey. Or at least was able was just was able, once in a great while to take a deep breath, smile in my liver and be a little bit. I hope you all can add a little BE or DO to you too.


PS I realize the irony that I wrote this post--it is a doer thing to do, but in my defense I did embrace the thought and that is a be-er thing to do...or so I hear


Unknown said...

OMG... who is funnier than my sister? Who provides better evening entertainment than my sister? Who's wittier? More insightful? More adorable? NO ONE, I say.... no one.
*blog becomes even more entertaining after a glass of wine.

Justin said...

I wholeheartedly agree.

deeb said...

Oh Mon, you are so accomplished, it is time to "be." Plus, I thought front porches were created for "be-ing"!

You guys can come to Mexico and "be" anytime you like. It would provide me with a good excuse to finally buy that hammock that goes on my hammock hooks.

Tom said...

I think that area of grass is called the easement.
