Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby Food

Noli has been on baby food for about two months. She loves yoghurt and any kind of fruit and mostly she avoids the veggies unless they are mixed with yoghurt. I taste most of these baby foods just to see what she is getting and I agree with her tastes basically. I have made some of her baby food, but I also buy a lot of it. I was browsing the foods in the baby section to see what was cookin. The most ridiculous was mac and cheese for babies. I know Noli will dig on some bright yellow mac and cheese one day, but it does seem silly to give her pureed, nutritionally devoid food just because she might like it when she is three. We are up to the month when you can start meats so I checked those out too. Brace yourself, they had pureed veal. Ugh. They had all kinds of variety of meats: pork, chicken, turkey and red meat all with "gravy" as their side dish. I went a little gourmet on her and bought 'chicken mango risotto' and 'creamy chicken apple compote.' I figured it I might consider ordering it in a restaurant then I might feed it to my baby. Who is being ridiculous now?

1 comment:

The Welde Madhouse said...

Future Mac and Cheese Tip for an "upgrade"....make it with whole wheat pasta and slip in some pureed squash into the cheese sauce (you can make that homemade too to avoid the fillers). She'll never know! Annie's makes an all-natural box version. Not whole-wheat, but a good "grab" when needed! Annie's makes an all natural "spaghetti-o" type pasta too. You can find both at Wal-mart!