Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

This one is for you, Jack

Jack Lalanne died today and while we weren't close, I did get an awesome juicer from my sister for my birthday. So I toasted Jack with my first juice. I know, the one on the left looks like beer, but that is unfiltered apple juice from just two apples. My favorite was the one of the right which was sort of a trash can deal...beet greens, carrot, little cucumber, orange and pear. If you've got a great juice recipe..send it on folks

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Presents & Play

C'mon, now that is cute!

We recieved a fun bear blanket from onr of Justin's coworkers. Noli loves to cuddle with Mars on the bear.

We also had a couple snow days and our friend, Rosie, came to play!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


At 5 weeks Marlon weighs 12 lb and is 22 inches long. That's 80th percentile on weight and 38th percentile on height. Do I see "husky" clothes shopping in his future?

Noli 2.5.1

A few things I needed to add to Nol's 2.5 year update.

Funny wording:
- "Can't want it" means "Don't want it"
- "My body" means "My bottom"
- "Glubs" means "Gloves"
- "Sketti" means "Spaghetti"

Favorite new activity: Reading books herself. I probably haven't read her bedtime books in 2 weeks. She gets to "talk about it" instead of us. We don't really understand most of it, but there are books where she definitely remembers the actual plot. If she's reading near her bookshelf and we want to do something else, we have to "wait til I finished."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011