Cousin Tom came for a visit through town on his way to the VT vs UNC game. Besides spreading cheer to the locals through his fantastic, lush head of hair, he also dropped off some of Aunt Eileen's handiwork. Aunt Eileen added ribbon to the curtains and bedskirt which look fantastic I think. Check it out!
My sister Melody came into town for a visit, well really it was to do some manual labor. For some reason my Aunt Eileen from VA decided to drive all the way down and add her back to the manual labor as well! Clearly neither understand the definition of vacation very well. Mel, Aunt Eileen and Justin painted, cleaned, organized, hung curtains and did all manner of heavy lifting. Even Noli played with tools and sorted her tools onto the new organizational shelf. I was allowed to sit in the chair mostly and occasionally cook or screw a bolt into the crib. I did occasionally feed them. In fact, I had a fancy cake made for Mel (and Uncle Sandy contributed a fantastic pie). Mel's response to her cake was to stick her finger right on in there and taste on sight. I will put up photos of the new reorganized rooms.
Mon had a bun in the oven so Noli and I went as bakers. Brett and Kim came to trick or treat with us. Noli was a little shy but loved answering the door when all the other kids came by.