I stole the format from Mendi. Only took me 3 weeks past Noli's birthday to post it.
24 months stats...
*Weight- 26 lb (40th percentile)
*Height- 33 in (25th percentile)
*Diapers- Size 4
*Clothes- 2T
*Shoes- Size 6
*Devouring- Yogurt is your favorite. Other favorites are apple sauce and cereal. A little peer pressure from another kid will increase the amount and variety you eat. You can feed yourself with a spoon and fork and can drink from a cup or straw.
*Gulping- Milk and watered down juice. You also like iced tea from Mom’s glass.
*Snoozing- Go to bed around 7:30 and sleep 11 to 12 hours a night. Take 1 nap a day (noon) that are 1.5 to 2 hours each. Some nights we get to listen to you talk and sing yourself to sleep.
*Teeth- Pretty much all of them, except it looks like there’s room for a couple more molars.
*Mobility- Running and “jumping” (though not really). You can get up and down stairs holding the wall or our hand.
Your Favorites...
*Toys that aren't really toys-
-Cabinets...you love opening and closing the kitchen cabinets and have a hay day pulling out ALL the tupperware!
-Dad’s wallet…only emptying, not putting it back
-The toilet...all sit, no action.
-Cell phone…Even though you have 2 toys and 1 old real one
*Actual toys-
-New tea set and tupperware...especially pouring milk for your baby dolls
-Golly moto...he rides his bicycle as you push
-Little people bus...the song it plays is great to dance to (to the tune of “This Old Man”)
-Sidewalk chalk....we had a great time with the hopscotch course Mom drew
-Walks around the block ... you don’t miss a rock to pick up and like the chickens and ducks at the halfway mark
-Airplane...no problem letting go of our hands at the top
-Coloring...you were complimented at an early age for your coloring. You even know you colors now and will try and fill in shapes in your coloring books.
*Book- Thomas the Train and Courdory
*Song- Wheels on the Bus, Happy Birthday, and Ring Around the Rosie (you came home from school singing “All fall down”)
*Hairstyle- Bangs, bangs, bangs (the rest hasn’t been touched yet)
*Accessory- Loves shoes, but won’t keep any other hair things or bracelets, etc on.
*Food- Yogurt, hands down.
*Place to Be- Outside walking or swinging. You also love being held before bed.
*Bedtime Routine- Bath every other night. You will brush your teeth and then one of us will finish. Then to your room where you’ll turn on your fan. Then we put pj’s on and read a few books. We always end with You Are My Sunshine and some cuddles.
-Always asking “Oof dat?” when you hear a new noise now.
-Taking off shoes and socks in the car. You’ll even lick your feet!
-Like to sit on the potty but only rarely go.
-You like to watch Thomas the Train, the only show we’ve shown you so far.
-Your “death role” when throwing a tantrum—like a crocodile with its prey. Once you wanted to lie down but stopped because the ground was too hard—you looked confused about what to do!
-When you see a camera, you immediately want to come around and see what the picture looked like, even before letting us take it!
-You give nice little love pats when you hug, especially in the morning.
-On a rainy walk, after Mom explained that the flowers had had a drink, you gave the flowers a drink from your sippy cup
-You love to have a tissue and will blow and wipe your own nose and use it (sometimes after your nose) to clean up everything else. At school, you’ll clean other kid’s plates even if they’re not done yet!