Monday, May 31, 2010

First Beach Trip

Chris and Debbie had us out to the Outer Banks last week. Noli was OK with the sand but not with the waves. But she loved the kiddie pool.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hats and more

Time for some random photos folks. Noli and her new cub's hat from Justin's trip to Chicago. There are picutres of one of Noli's favorite activities, helping unload the dishwasher. Noli held the bucket for some strawberry picking in the yard (her hair is getting long, no?) Let's see, we also have picture of nana's new gift including her fabulous new shoes and a scrub brush (for mom, but noli liked it the best and I'll be happy if she uses it). Oh and yoghurt face.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I turned 33 last month. The first thing I always think about when I hear that age is that that's how old Jesus was when he was crucified. I'm as old as Jesus made it to. Doesn't that ramp up the pressure to "do something" with my life? Regardless of your religious beliefs about Jesus, In 3 short years between the ages of 30 and 33 he changed the course of western civilization.

Other religious founders also had their epiphanies around their 30s. Paul apparently was also around 30 at his conversion on the road to Damascus. Buddha was 35 when he received enlightenment under the bodhi tree. Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel at age 40.

So this could be a big decade for me right? I'm excited to find out.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Strawberry Festival


Maggie came over for the afternoon/evening. Laura came and helped me watch over the two. After nap, we got ourselves together and went down to the Strawberry Festival. It was a grand time full of strawberry smoothies, drumming, sunshine and getting tattoos (these are their baaaaad faces). Cute, no

Duane's 60th

Justin went down to Texas for his father's 60th birthday. There was even a photo shoot by Mendi to capture the moment. How lovely, yes?


It not the measles

Noli covered herself in little stickers, you know, for fun.