Monday, June 16, 2008

The Things You Do For Babies

As we approach 41 weeks of pregnancy, we are pretty ready to get this show on the road. We had false labor about a week ago and it has made me very interested in getting this baby to the other side of my tummy. We have tried all the wives tales and internet possibilities of inducing labor. We have tried taking castor oil twice, yeah that is right, I made Justin take it, it is his baby too. Plus walking, sex, red raspberry leaf tea, eggplant parmesan, acupressure and every other idea anyone has floated our way. Now the standard response is, you just need to relax. What in my whole life history suggests I can do that? Plus it helps to pass the days.


Denise said...

I'm so sorry that you're getting the raw deal!!! Maybe try eating something spicy and drinking castor oil while you walk...?

Denise said...

I'm so sorry that you're getting the raw deal!!! Maybe try eating something spicy and drinking castor oil while you walk...?

The Welde Madhouse said...

Welcome to parenthood. ;)