Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update: Week 14

Noli is up to lots of new stuff. Here's a sampling.

Mon pointed out the other day that she almost always looks to her right. I'm pretty sure this isn't a sign of some developmental problem, but I would like her to grow up to be an ambi-turner.

She's giving lots of smiles, especially in the mornings. She also laughs a cough-like kind of laugh.

Not really reaching for things intentionally, but grabs anything nearby, including her feet. Today I saw each hand grab a foot, up from just the left hand/left foot a couple of days ago.


We're working to figure out how to get our digital video (.dv) edited and uploaded to the blog. We're experiencing technical difficulties right now. Please stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Dismal Science

After Monday's big tank in the markets I thought I'd go back and see what has happened since we first entered the market.

The Dow Jones index as of Sep. 15, 2008: 10,917.51
The Dow Jones index as of Sep. 15, 1999: 10,801.42

That's a return of 1.1%! After inflation, I'm probably behind.

Good grief.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Days Visitors

Noli met some more important people this weekend. Uncle Trog, Mendi and Laura visited for the long weekend. She won them all over.

She also had another checkup this week, including her first shots (ouch!). She handled them well, no lingering effects. She's a wee one: 50th percentile for length, 25th for weight and head circumference. I've already contacted the Chinese gymnastics team--she'll be ready for 2012. :)